triangular shaped aluminium Windows at custom designed windows and doors property in Yorkshire

Marlin Bespoke Shaped and Angled Window Designs

Aluminium windows and doors don’t need to be just square or rectangular. They can be can be angled, arched or have a curved edge to one or more sides and be independent features or form part of a large glazed screen to create spectacular window designs.

Technical advisors are on hand at the aluminium window and door showroom in Keighley in West Yorkshire

Help with shapes, angles and curves

Our high quality window and door products are backed by the same high quality customer service. Technical advisors are just a phone call away to answer all your questions no matter how technical.

To ensure that anything out of the ordinary is manufactured to the same industry leading standards as our regular products we recommend that you contact us as soon as possible to discuss the angled windows within your project in more detail.

Typical help provided includes:

  • Choosing the right product
  • Getting the right made to measure size
  • Help with ordering

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triangular shaped aluminium Windows at custom designed windows and doors property in Yorkshire


By contacting us at the design stage of your project we can help you to fully understand the feasibility of making your shaped windows and any system limitations that apply in order to provide you with a high quality product and our manufacturers guarantee.

triangular shaped aluminium Windows at custom designed windows and doors property in Yorkshire


We cater for both traditional decorative windows and modern window designs including triangle, angled and other shaped window designs.

Example of angle shaped aluminium window design
Rated 5.0 out of 5 Karl Thomson

Excellent experience from the first meeting to the installation.
Staff were very helpful selecting the style, colour and function. We couldn't have asked for a better window door company to work with.

...the windows and doors look amazing. Thank you Adrian and crew!!!


Read the full review and other 5 star reviews of Marlin Windows left on Google
bespoke floor to ceiling shaped aluminium Windows at custom designed windows and doors property in Yorkshire


If you have structural openings that are already formed we will advise you on all frame options and solutions including our cost effective bespoke pressing service where simple or complex aluminium shapes can be laser cut to any size and powder coated to your specific colour requirements.

Read more about bespoke glazing solutions

"The grasp of the importance of design and quality of manufacture from the Marlin Team is second to none."
Andrew Beevers

Read the full review and other 5 star reviews of Marlin Windows left on Google


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